Because Of Your Views We Are Earning Great Money From Ads. By Giving Link In The Description And By Opening Your Demat Account We Also Earn A Good Amount Of Brokerage. Sometimes By Doing A Sponsored Video We Get Money From Brands. Also Sometimes Sell Courses At High Prices. In Short Our Influencer Life Is Going Great. But All Of This Is Happening Because Of Your Love And Trust. So Are We With That Love And Trust Able To Do Justice With It. Or Several Times We Cheat With Your Trust. For Our Profit We Give The Wrong Thing To You. Today About The Influencer Industry We Are Going To Find The Whole Truth About It. Especially In The Finance Industry. Finfluencer Category Which It's Called. Because I Always Believed That Just Think There Is A Tech Youtube We Does Reviews On Mobile Phones. They Did A Wrong Review About A Rs 10,000 Mobile. It Was A Bad Phone But He Said That This Phone Is Very Good. So What Will Happen To You? At Most Your Will Face A Rs-10,000 Loss. You Will Get A Garbage Phone. But If Any Finfluencer Tells Wrong Insurance To Someone Tells Wrong Crypto App So It Can Happen That In Times Of Trouble The Family Will Get The Life Insurance Claim Of Rs-1 Crore. And The Family's Whole Future Will Be Ruined. The Money Gets Stuck In Crypto. Many Other Things Can Happen. A Finfluencer Has The Power To Make Their Viewers Life Or Destroy It. That's Why Today This Industry's I Am Going To Tell You Some Dark Secrets. And I Am Also Going To Tell You That How Finfluencers Earn Money. What Business Models Do They Have? How Can You Identify That Which Finfluencer Is Cheating You. Today We Will Know The Entire Truth About Finfluencers. With This Next Episode Of Business Games. Because You Have Watched Previous Episodes Of Business Games. Here I Am Going To Tell You The Truth Which You Have Never Heard And You Have Also Watched These Previous Episodes Of Business Games That When Truth Is Revealed In This Series Then The Whole Is Revealed. So Today Also We Will Go To The Root And Bring Out All The Filth. So First Of All Let's Pick From Which Most Of The Influencers Earns The Most. Highest Earning. It's Simple Brokerage Revenue. In My Channel You Can Look At Anyone’s Channel Everyone Will Give You A Link To Open A Demat Account. When You Open Your Demat Account With It So Whenever You Will Trade Then Whatever Brokerage You Will Generate A Part Of It Will Always Be Given To That Influencer. So If Thousands Of People Opened Their Account With The Link In My Description. Whenever They Will Trade I Will Be Getting The Money. So This Work Is Being Done By Every Influencer. Now There Is Nothing Wrong In It. Because Earning Money Is Not Wrong. Everyone Want's To Earn Money And If You Don't Open Your Account With My Link If You Will Directly Open It Then It Is Not Like Your Cost Is Reduced. This Is Not Like Mutual Funds Where There Is More Brokerage Is Regular Plan And Less In Direct Plan. It's Not Like That. You Directly Open It From The Broker's Website Or Open Through Me You Are Paying The Same Amount Of Money. If A Part Of It Is Going To Someone Or Me There Is Nothing Wrong With It. You Know What Is Wrong? First Thing In Every 3 To 4 Months If You Are Recommending Different Brokerage. Sometimes You Are Saying I Use X Brokerage After 3 Month Y And After That Z. Because The New Brokerages That Come Every Now And Then They Had To Do Even More Aggressive Marketing. So They Are Ready To Share More Percentage. And In That Mess Sometimes Many Influencers New And Untested Brokers Whose Products Are Not Stable Which Has No Guarantee For How Long Will They Stay In The Market. Whose Tech Are Not Reliable So You Will Get Stuck On The Day Of Expiry.


All Of These Problems Are Not Sorted. Be They Are Giving More Commission So Today I Recommended This And Tomorrow I Recommended That. If You See Someone That Every Time They Are Recommending Different Demat Account. Something's Wrong Get Away. And From Here An Even Greater Evil Then That Is Born. Now Think If I Had 1000 Demat Accounts 1000 People Have Opened Their Demat Accounts With My Link. Now When Will My Income Increase? When The Brokers Income Will Increase. Only Then Will He Give Me Their Percentage. When Will The Brokers Income Increase? When You Trade More. You Will Do Intraday, Do F&O Do Currency, Do Commodity. So If My Business Model Is This That I Have To Open Demat Accounts And Earn Money From It. So What Do I Want? Those Who Are Watching My Videos They Do More Trade. They Do F&O, Currency, Commodity, Intraday. They Do More And More Trade Everyday Frequently The Do Trade. So That The Accounts Which I Had Opened More Commission Is Made On Them And My Income Increases. So This Means I Will Keep Making Videos Today What Share Should You But At 9:30 Am In The Morning? 12 Pm 3 Pm What Should Be Tomorrow's Market Strategy? What Should You Buy Tomorrow? What To Do On F&O Expiry? What To Do In Currency And Commodity? Everyday I Would Want That You Again And Again Keep On Doing Trade. And My Wallet Keeps On Filling. The Second Big Method Is Sponsorships. So... I Will Tell Mr. Graphics Sir A Sample Sponsored Video Which We Have Done To Show You A Sample From It. You Have To Show Something There At Least Youtubes Policy Is That If You Had Taken Money To Put Any Content In The Video Then You Have To Show A Label That "This Video Has Sponsored Content" So The People Can Know That Some Parts Here Are Sponsored. All Of This Is Not The Truth That I Am Speaking From The Heart. So Many Times I See That Someone Is Promoting Some Product But He Is Not Using The Label. That Means They Are Not Telling The Audience That Some Parts In This Video I Took Money To Talk About It. Again If You Are Taking Money And Recommending A Good Product And People Are Benefiting From It. Then There Is Nothing Wrong In It. But Not Telling The People That This Is Not Your Unbiased Advise You Have Taken Money For It. That That Must Be Told. So This Is A Very Simple Method. If You See That They Have Praised A Product And See No One Praises For Free. So Most Likely To A Product, If They In A Big Way Praising It For 45 Seconds To 1 Minute. But The Sponsored Label Is Not In The Starting Of The Video. Usually, Youtube Shows It At The Starting Of A Video. So If You Are Not Seeing Such A Label. Then It's Trouble! Your Influencer Is Not Honest With You. Third It Happens A Lot At The Time Of Ipos That Together Everyone Is Reviewing That Company's IPO Talking Good About It And They Are Constantly Calling And Interviewing Their Founders. Buddy Why Do You Have To Take Their Interview At The Time Of IPO? If You Had To Take The Interview Then That Company Must Have Been Around For 2 Years, 5 Years, And 10 Years. You Can Take It Anytime Or Have Taken It After The IPO. As The IPO Is Opening For Subscription Or It's About To Be Opened. Just Then You Remembered That I Have To Call And Take Their Interview. It's Simple It Is A PR Campaign. They Have Taken Money To Do The Interview. That Influencer There Can Be No Other Reason. Now Another Thing Is Here It Can Happen That Its Also Not Bad. Let's Take The Kapil Sharma Show. There Everyone Knows That The New Movie Which Is Coming The Guest Comes For That Movies Promotion. Sometimes They Say In The Show Also That Today They Have Come For This Movie's Promotion. But These Ipos PR Interviews That Happen To Go To Different Places And Give Interviews. 

Anytime That Guest Or The Channels Owner Will Not Say That Here Today They Have Come For The Promotion Of Their IPO. Its A Very Organic And Natural And It's Shown As A Very Heart-To-Heart Conversation. And Everywhere Similar Words Will Be Used Similar Themes Will Be Discussed. Similar Topics Will Also Be On Twitter And Instagram. There Will Be Similar Questions. So It Is Very Easy To Find Out Because The Discussion Will Be Very Similar. And From It, You Will Find Out That This Video Is Not For Your Benefit. They Just Want To Fill Their IPO. You Are Just A Goat. After That Comes Courses. Courses Which Claims That They Will Teach You Something Magical. 30,000, 40,000 50,000 80,000 1,00,000 It Can Cost Anything. And Every Time They Will Claim That This Will Teach You Something Which Is Not Available In The Market. Can I Tell You A Truth That Today Everything Is Available For Free. I Also Have Courses At Quest We Have More Than 50 Courses In Quest. But If I Brutally Tell You The Truth The 99% Content From Those Courses Maybe There Is Some 1%, But The Chances Are Low Maybe 100% Of The Content Also In The Quest Courses They Are Also Freely On Youtube On Websites, Blogs, At Somewhere They Are Available. We Will Not Get Any Magical Spell We Will Not Get Any Supreme Knowledge Which Other People Do Not Now And Others Haven't Put It Out For Free. Yes If You For Rs-500, Rs-1000, Rs-2000 Even Sell Courses For Rs-5000. That Is Not Wrong. But Don't Set Wrong Expectation That Some Rs-50,000 Or Rs-1 Lakhs Secret Multibagger Course Has Come. Nothing Like That Happens. The Course Has It's Value That's Why We Run Our Products. But A Courses Values Nowadays Are For You Some Hidden It Not Tell You Some Hidden Mystery. A Courses Value Should Be How To Teach You The Chapters In A Structured Way Like 1st, Then 2nd, Then 3rd. The Chronology Should Be Correct For Your Learning More Focus Should Come, No Distractions Must Be There By Ads Or Youtube Suggestions. So That Will Be A Dedicated Platform. And You Have Made Examples More Easy. Have Made The Production Quality Even Better As It's A Paid Course. So A Little Better Quality Is Coming In The Video. The Structure Became Better You Have Attached A Quiz Or Flashcards With It. Recommend Some Courses By Understanding The Viewer. The Value Of All Of This Is Added. For Which Just Take Rs-500 My Friend Take Rs-1000, Rs-2000, Come On Let's Take Rs-5000. Rs-50,000? Rs-1 Lakh? Just To Teach A Little Skill. It's Almost A Scam I Can't Tell It A Full Scam But Almost A Scam. So Till Now, I Have Told You Some Major Methods By Which Influencers Earn Money. Be That Brokerage Revenue Sponsorship Courses Ads, I Haven't Discussed Youtube Ads Because It's The Most Obvious. But There Is Also One Thing. Now If You Want Ad Revenue From Youtube Then How Will It Come? In Two Ways More Views And More Videos. The Combination Between These Two. If One Video Gets 100,000 Views Then If I Made 10 Videos, Then It Will Be 1,000,000 Views. And Roughly If There Is More Views Then There Is That Many Ads. In This Cycle, Again It's Not A Scam But It's Not Ideal. That I Have To Put Out Videos Every Day So That I Can Get Views Every Day. And I Earn More Money From Ads Every Day. So If I Have To Put Something Out Every Day, Then What Should I Put Out? Where Can I Get Something New Every Day? So Sometimes I Will Bring Such Content Which Are Not Factually Correct. Which I Just Made Because Of Sponsorship. Or I Only Made Them Because I Can Constantly Get Ad Revenue With It. So In This Case Your Time Is Being Wasted. Nothing Very Wrong Is Happening With You There Is No Scam Happening. But Time Waste Is Happening.

This Is Also A Problem. Not A Big One I Have Discussed Ever Bigger Problems Than This. But It's A Small Problem. Now The Next Thing. Are All Finfluencers Bad? Does All Of Them Do Stuff Like This? And You How Can You Differentiate Between Them? That Who's Good And Who's Bad. So Of Course Like In Every Field There Are Some Bad People In This Field And There Are Some Good People. All Of Them Are Not Bad. And All Of Them Are Also Not Good. But What Happens Is That We Sometimes See Here That Someone Has 200k, 500k, 1 Million, 2 Million 3 Million, 4 Million Followers. Then A Sense Of Trust Comes To Our Minds The Trust In That Numbers Comes To Our Minds. If These Many People Are Following Then It Must Be Something Good. So I Want You To On The Basis Of Number Do Not Increase Or Decrease You Trust. Someone With 1000 Follower Can Be Very Trustworthy And Also Someone With 10 Million Followers Cannot Be Totally Trustworthy. The Amount Of People Following Them From That You Can Find Out How Much Of A Good Salesman They Are Salesperson They Are. How Good A Financial Advisor They Are It Cannot Be Known From It. So It's Not Like You Don't Have To Trust Small Influencers. It's Also Not Like Trusting Big Ones Blindly. Anyone Can Be Trustworthy. Now I Am Giving You Pointers That How Can You Differentiate Between A Trustworthy Influencer And A Bad Influencer. First Does That Influencer Accepts Their Mistake? See The Finance Field Is Like If You Come Here And Say Something Then You Will Be Wrong. Warren Buffett Is Also Correct 70% Of Times Rakesh Jhunjhunwala Is Also Correct 60% Of Times. No One Can Be Correct Every Time. And What Are We? We Are Not Equal To Their Feet's Dust. So If We Are Being Correct For More Than 50-60% Of Times That Means Something Is Wrong. So On An Average Everything I Will Say Most Chances Are That I Will Be Wrong For 40-50% Of Times. If I Am Going Correct For 80% Of Times That Means I Am Doing Wrong. So First Of All Be Feared From That Influencer Who Is Showing That They Are Every Time Or Maximum Times Correct. And Those Who To Accept Their Mistakes Are Not Upfront. That Means They Are Playing A Very Bad And Very Big Game. So At Least Stay Away From Them. Now It Was Very Difficult Very Difficult But You Must Remember This Yes Bank Video Of Mine. Where I Accepted My Mistake That Yes Umm... Although I Told That It Is Very Risky And I Just Taking A Very Small Position In It. But Again I Told On Youtube That Many People Did After Seeing This And They Have To Face Loss Because Of It. I Was Clearly Wrong. So This Video Is Still Live Today Because I Don't Want To Hide My Mistakes From Anyone. Everyone Must Know That I Make Mistakes And I Do Not Want Blind Followers. I Will Ruin Their Lives I Will Break Their Trust In Every Way They Will Get Trauma. But A Lot Of Influencers Has Done This Mistake 10 To 20 Times But They Will Not Come Forward And Tell You. Every Time Some Excuse Like This Was This And This Was That. So If You Are Feeling Like This That There Is Someone Who Is Not Owning Up To Their Mistakes. Then It's A Problem. It Is Difficult But The Things I Get From You Guys That's Nothing In Front Of It. In Fact, I Will Tell You Another Mistake It's Not Like After That 2 Year Old Mistake I Didn't Do Any Other Mistakes. I Am Not A Saint Either. Recently A Few Months Ago Usually I Have Stayed Away From Buy Now Pay Later Cards. But There Was One Company They Convinced Me Well That They Are Different From Others It Has These Features By Which It's Genuinely Good For People. So Your Concerns We Have Removed Them, Such A Product It Is. Umm... At That Time I Didn't Know What Was My Frame Of Mind. I Made That Content.

And It Was A Reel Where I Promoted That Card. When It Went Live And I Sat Down Peacefully It Was A Weekend And I Got Time. For 2 Days I Did A Lot Of Research. After That, I Realized That "No" This Is Exactly That Thing Which I Don't Like. It's That Thing Which I Am Against. After 3 To 4 Days I Exactly Made A Counter Video Against It By Criticizing It. I Made A Shorty. I Criticizing It, That Is Why It Is Wrong. So... I Got Scolded A Lot From The Bank Also Got Scolded From The People. Because The Algo Does Not Now That When To Show Which Video. It Can Happen That Someone Has Watched My Criticizing Video Where I Said That I Made A Mistake First. And After That, They Have Watched My Promotion Video. So People Were Thinking That Just 3 Days Ago He Was Criticizing It And Now He Is Praising It. What Is This? So Anyway I Eventually Removed That Video. And I Clearly Told The Brand "NO" It's Not Working This Video Will Be Deleted. I Made A Mistake If You Want Any Money Back, Then Take It But This Video Will Not Be Live Again. So I Still Make Mistakes. And I Will Always Do It. But The Point Is That Mistakes Will Me Made. Did Those Mistakes Happen By Mistake Or Was That Mistake Knowingly Made In Greed? So I Will Make Mistakes But I Will Try Not To Do Them Knowingly. Mistakes Are Made By Mistake. Second Is For Me Brands Make It A Little Easier For Me That I Don't Become Too Corrupt. Know How? I Have Openly Said Bad About Ulips Said Bad About Crypto Said Bad About Buy Now Pay Later. So More Than Half Of The Innovation That Happens In The Fintech Space I Say Bad About It. So They Don't Come To Me For Ads. As They Wont Come To Me For Ads I Will Not Get Any Greed. So The Best Is That Openly Say Bad Things So That Everyone Get's To Know That I Don't Like This. After That I Cannot Go Back Because People Have Heard Me. Either The Brand Will Come To Me. So I Make Such Rules For Myself. Knowingly I Say What I Don't Like So That Further On They Can Be In No Position To Give Me Greed. So This Works Very Well For Me. Some Rules Are Like Stick To The Product While Promoting. Which You And I Have Personally Used I've Tried It And I Like It My Experience Was Good. That Is An Absolute No Brainer. That Must Be Done. And That Product Should Be Like After 1 Year, 2 Year Or Even After 5 Years I Can Proudly Say, "Yes My Friend". After 3 Months In That Same Category The Brand Changes. Today This Crypto App, Tomorrow That And That The Day Before. Today This Broker App, Tomorrow That And That The Day Before. Every 3 Months A Better Deal Comes And Brand Change. If This Is Happening Then Really It's Too Much Of A Mess. Second They Say That Every Fintech Innovation Is Good. Because Whatever New Thing Comes, It Needs Promotion. So BNPL Card Came This Card Is Good, That Card Is Good. New New Crypto Exchange Came This Crypto Is Good, That Crypto Is Also Good. They Are Focusing On The Newer Things And Forgetting Old Things. Ipos Nfos This IPO Is Good, That NFO Is Good This Crypto Is Good, This BNPL Is Good. Then Something Is Wrong. Promotion Of New Things Always Happens The Most. So A New Thing Across Category If Someone Is Constantly Saying That It's Good. Most Likely They Are Biased. Again I Am Not Greater Than Others. I Am Not A Saint Either. I Have Also Made Mistakes. Everyone Is Bad, That Is Also Not True. Even In My Category I Am Friends With Everyone I Respect Them. Whoever I Respect I Have A Good Friendship With Them. And Especially There Are Two People Whom I Respect Very Much I Think That I Also Can Do Due Diligence Like Them And Can Make Content With Honesty. So Taskeen Mam From The Urban Fight She Knows That I Respect Her Very Much.

Her Way Of Delivery Her Way Of Teaching. There Is Mukul Sir Of Asset Yogi. The Way He Stays Out Of The Crowd And Makes His Own Independent Content. I Also Respect Him A Lot. And There Is My School Friend She Makes Videos On Finology Legal. She Is Good, I Do Not Respect Her Too Much But She Is A Good Person. Give Her Videos A Try Sometimes. Why Did I Made This Video? What's My Purpose? My Purpose Is The Reason Why I Started Finlolgy. That I Have To Save People Form Mis-Selling. The Most Basic Purpose Was That. And 4 To 5 Years Ago Mis-Selling Was Done Differently. It Was Offline And Physical. Just As Mainly After Covid, When Eyeballs Came To The Digital Space So I Thought That Same Thing Was Happening Digitally. And My Fight Is Not With Someone Offline My Fight Is Against Mis-Selling. So Anything I Have To Do To Spread Awareness Against Mis Selling I Will Do That. Because That Is My Mission I Get Satisfaction From It. Peace Comes From It, Sleep Comes From It That Did Something Good Before Sleeping. Umm... Because Of This, With Some People Will My Relation Be Bad In The Influencer Space No! Most Of The Friendships I Kept Is Because I Like Them That's Why I Kept My Friendship. Umm... I Never Tried To Do Forced Friendship. It Can Happen From That Some Of Them Might Feel Bad. But Why Would I Think About That? They Did Friendship With Me They Have Known Me I Got Attention Simply Because I Have You Guys. I Have Subscribers Viewers So The World Will Ask Me Otherwise Why Would They Ask Me? On Whose Side Is My Responsibility? It's Towards You Right. For The Rest, We Will See What Happens Or Not. Well Mostly My Friends They Don't Do Stuff Like This. So Yes, By Keeping A Good Friendship I Got The Courage To Speak Whatever I Want. And I Don't Have To Think About Anyone. And Just Think A Few Years Ago There Was No Internet Learning Was Really Expensive These Finance, Investing, And Stock Market Knowledge This Was Either Expensive Or Impossible To Reach To People. Now In Rural Areas And Semi Rural Areas People Got The Chance To Earn Money From These Good Thing. With Financial Planning And Investing. After All These Years Every Citizen In This Country Has The Opportunity That They Can Learn It. So This Is A Very Noble Cause. A Very Good Thing A Very Good Field And In A Very Good Time We Are Now. So... We Can Improve The Lives Of So Many People We Can Teach Them Financial Planning. So I Just Feel That Let's Do It Right. Umm... If We Do Something Wrong Most Of The People In Our Country Are Simple. Most Of The People In India Are Simple And They Believe In Other They Trust Others. But Are We Taking Advantage Of Their Trust? Are We Taking Advantage Of Them Being Simple? It Must Not Be Like That Rather Our Focus Should Be On Improving The Lives Of The People. So That's Why I Made This Video. It Was A Little Difficult I Have To Think Should I Make It Or Not That's Why I Quickly Made It. That Before My Mind Changes Just Thought About It Now And Made It. Once It Becomes Live, It Stays Live. Umm... Hopefully You Liked This Video Share This With Your Friend And Family. It Will Help Them Stay Aware. If You Haven't Subscribed To This Channel Then You Can Like And You Can Subscribe. Well I Make Good Videos.

So This Is Karan Tiwari
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